Forest management with positive socio-environmental impact

Planning and execution of Certified Sustainable Forest Management

Profit with the standing forest

Forest conservation and restoration through the carbon market's resources

Think of DNA!

Traceability and identification of wood, plants, animals and microorganisms

Superfoods from the Amazon

Sustainable practices that ensure healthy foods

Forest asset management

Traceability for tropical wood and other sociobiodiversity products

Socio-environmental certifications and ESG intelligence

Guarantee of sustainability and better performance of your business

The TMNH group is a holding company that manages seven companies that operate in the main Brazilian ecosystems in an innovative and sustainable way.

At the forefront of a new path for the economic and social development of these regions, the group combines entrepreneurship and fair trade, scientific knowledge and traditional wisdom with advanced technologies to enhance sociobiodiversity.

What defines TMNH is the permanent effort to make people’s lives better and better.


Discover our ecosystem of companies with a positive socio-environmental impact, which carry the culture of sustainability, anticipating the demands of an increasingly ethical and connected society.



TMNH Holding’s culture is of respect for the environment and for all institutions and people involved in its business, based on integrity in relationships and the constant search for its development. Its values guide the group’s companies and their partners to make decisions and act in an ethical and responsible manner, always in line with the sustainability of TMNH’s activities.

All human relationships inside and outside the work environment must comply with principles of ethics and sustainability, valuing the well-being and physical and psychological safety of everyone, including customers and consumers.

Therefore, we must always:

  • Prioritize the health and safety of workers, especially those in risky situations, to the detriment of production;
  • Valuing the knowledge of forest peoples and their members, including them in processes and gains;
  • Promote the personal development of all those involved;
  • Not allow any type of discrimination by race, religion, sex, age, physical aspects, among others;
  • Do not allow moral or sexual harassment;
  • Do not allow slave labor;
  • Generate sustainable services and products, and healthy foods.

Respect for the environment and society must be present in the daily actions of all members of the holding company and in their strategies, in a manner consistent with the value proposition of each of the companies, balancing economic, social and environmental development.

Therefore, we must always:

  • Use natural resources in a balanced way;
  • Ensure the sustainability of all its products and services;
  • Create products and services that discourage deforestation and other degrading practices;
  • Adopt reduced impact measures;
  • Avoid environmental liabilities;
  • Manage and monitor possible environmental risks;
  • Seek the mitigation of the impacts caused.

Integrity, respect and transparency in the relationships with the people and institutions involved, as well as efficient administration, are fundamental for the group to achieve its purpose.

Therefore, we must always:

  • Create long-term relationships;
  • Be transparent in the relationship with all links in the production and consumption chain, always remaining open to explanations;
  • Ensure the protection of internal, partners and customers information;
  • Communicate when witnessing episodes that can be classified as discriminatory or conflict of interest;
  • Inform those involved about the processes that concern them;
  • Be accountable when necessary.